This beer had been saved for an occation- a special one. As I earlier this week got some positive answers to an examn result that I’d been waiting for, it’s now time…
A deep whisky-like redbrown colour and visually very clear in appearance, it seems very «clean». Intriguingly stingy spiritus aroma, also some Scottish malt. Tastewise, the malts barely gets any attention, as it is quickly dominated by the incredibly strong spiritus taste- no wonder with the intentioned height/strenght (ABV) here. The malts are way back there, but overall the palate in on fire by now- tingling the tongue, burning the whole mouth, through all the intestines and god knows what next. Considering the predecessor was a weissbock, I’m thinking maybe scottish ale was not the best choice in candidates for this. Still- very interesting to have tried the new holder of the title.