ANARCHY BREW CO «Boot boys» (5%) 3/6

Boot boysIntriguing label & name from these (seemingly) punks are paired with positive assocciations from earlier tastings.

A brown ale is what we’re in for from these Brits, and visually striking brown transparency colour. Perfect head is poured and exitement boosted as fruity aromas of dried dates, mature plum and caramel-notes comes forth. There’s also clearly nutty aroma to this one. Yes, I do inhale!

As for the taste: It is very mild and a bit light… Not exactly watery, but little edge to it. Really nice sweet middle which lingers for a bit. Taste of (I was about to say wet autumn leaves!) sap, with that sweetnote on top. A mild and far from controversial ale, but hey- whoever said brown ales would promise anything else than that), but overall well-tasty.

Will try their beers again, when the opportunity sees the light of day.


(Photo: M. Brochs)

FM «Hopsan» (6,5%) 4/6

HopsanYellowbrownish, golden colour, on the verge of Amber. Half cm head, great carbonization. Nose is highly floral, hoppy forest-like. Sweet, lots of fruityness far out there, before the bitterness from the hops takes charge. Rich texture. On the 2nd mouthful, thehops produces a much more fruity, citrus-orientated direction. The bitterness is everything but overwhelming- moreover very fruity. The lightly hoppyness leaves slowly, leaving a very slight fruity, acidic outro.

Amager/Against The Grain «The Great Big Kentucky Sausage Fest» (7,7%) 4/6

Sausage festThis Imperial brown ale is mirky oakbrown by colour. Nice head which is quickly disappearing. Fruity/nut-like taste with Nutella/Toffee’ish notes, perhaps a tad too cold at time of consumption, as it is first & foremost bitterness that I get, although one can sense some sweetness here too- mainly from coffee, light chocolate and hazelnut. Very dry and longlasting. Goes through a variety of fases, from almost acidic bitter to sweet.

Dogfishhead «Indian brown ale» (7,2%) 4/6

imageNice brown colour, smells of caramel and subtly of coffee. Tastes even more so and then with more distinct coffee-notes. Sweet from the caramel combined with bitter coffee, tasty with soil and nutty hints and with malts in centre, dominating. Fullbodied and with longlasting taste. One of the better brown ales around.

Austmann “Northumberland” (5,5%) 3/6

NorthumberlandSmells a lot of soil. Dark brown in colour. Pours a nice half a cm hat in glass. Nutty taste which starts off very mild, with a small chocolate ending. The taste also reflects the suspected hint of soil. Alittle short lasting taste.